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ASQ Fontys 2021


On Wednesday, June 23, Fontys organizes the annual event for entrepreneurs in high-tech: ASQ Fontys. Looking for innovative technologies and interested in their impact on your business? You are most welcome! 

ASQ Fontys is the high tea event for entrepreneurs who want to boost their innovation power. Discover Fontys as a knowledge partner and discuss opportunities to work together on technical innovations.

Inspiration and dialogue

ASQ Fontys you visit for inspiring meetings and a substantive program, in which innovation and research are central. Discuss your questions and ambitions with Fontys researchers and fellow high-tech entrepreneurs. 

Something for everyone

During the online event, you choose your own route along 30 inspiring knowledge sessions (morning program) and 20 discussion tables (afternoon program). Because high-tech is a broad playing field, we have arranged ASQ Fontys thematically:

  • Hightech & Business
  • Hightech & Circularity
  • Hightech & Environment
  • Hightech & Health
  • Hightech & Mobility
  • High-tech & Smart Manufacturing

Learn more 

ASQ Fontys (ASQ stands for: All Sorts of Questions) will take place online on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

The organization is in the hands of the Fontys Centre of Expertise High Tech Systems and Materials.