This week, the outgoing administration presented plans for next year. Many of the plans are tentative, but problems such as climate change, housing shortage and security cannot wait and are already reflected in the budget.
Hezelburcht has listed the most important grant news. We highlight the High Tech and Lifesciences themes for you.
High Tech and Information Technology (IT)
Deep tech Fund for investment in innovative complex technologies
The Deep tech Fund enables investment in companies with innovative complex technology. It is often difficult to find financing for these types of companies, which are both knowledge- and capital-intensive. In addition, these are often technologies that are unproven and have relatively high risks. The fund will be developed as a co-investment fund and placed as a separate fund with Invest-NL. It will have a budget of €250 million, of which €175 million will be contributed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) and the rest by Invest-NL.
€300 million for Netherlands participation in IPCEI's ME2 and CIS
A budget of €300 million is being made available for the Netherlands' participation in the IPCEI Microelectronics 2 (ME2) for modern and sustainable micro/nanoelectronics and the IPCEI Cloud Infrastructure and Services (CIS) for cloud infrastructure and services. IPCEIs consist of a large-scale, European consortium around a value chain. Only when the final composition of the IPCEIs is known will the exact funding needs of the Dutch participants be known.
Retraining into ICT and engineering
In a parliamentary letter dated late August 2021, a budget of € 37.5 million was made available for the Retraining to Promising Occupations in ICT and Engineering subsidy scheme for 2021. In 2022 this scheme will be continued with a budget of € 40 million (including implementation costs). It is expected that with this amount another 10,000 people can be retrained structurally to these promising sectors.
Life Sciences & Health (LSH).
Strengthen research and science
High quality science and innovation is needed to solve social issues and create future earning power. In addition, future talent must be trained and Dutch researchers must be able to continue to compete successfully at a global level. European research consortia play an important role in this. Although no concrete investments have been announced, it remains important to invest in the Dutch research and science system.
Representing the interests of Dutch science within Horizon Europe
To keep our science world-class, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is championing the interests of Dutch science within Horizon Europe. Indeed, the new program will have its first full year of implementation in 2022. Participation in this program is of great importance in order to continue collaborating with the top scientists in Europe.
Structural €24.9 million for NWO-TTW
For the NWO Applied and Technical Sciences domain, €24.9 million is available annually. This will enable companies and other organizations to invest in research that meets their own research needs. This contribution is aimed at the Mission-driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy.