HyTEPS, located in hub Catalyst on the TU/e campus, is organizing a Power Tour several times in the fall, at various locations around the country.
The tour will give you insights on measuring and controlling your electrical installations. On September 30 the tour will take place in Eindhoven, on October 14 in Groningen, on November 11 in Utrecht and again on November 25 in Eindhoven.
More complex installations and challenges
The energy transition and implementation of an increasingly wide range of innovative electronics brings with it all kinds of challenges. Both designers of electrical installations and those in charge of installations have to deal with them on a daily basis. Mastering the - increasingly complex - installation requires more and more specialized knowledge. HyTEPS would like to support you in this. They do this in part by sharing knowledge during physical seminars in the fall. To increase the efficiency of participating in one of our seminars, they come to different locations in the country. By having the seminar take place at 3 locations in the Netherlands - north, middle and south - they shorten the travel distance and facilitate participation.
Lectures by professor Sjef Cobben and HyTEPS
During the seminar prof.dr.ir. J. F. G. Cobben offers you insights on measuring and controlling electrical installations, based on his scientific background especially in the field of Power Quality. In his white paper 'unburdening the installation manager' you will find more on this subject. HyTEPS supplements this with information about the practical support HyTEPS can offer with measuring, monitoring and specialist simulations.
Topics during the seminar:
- Unburdening the installation manager
The work of the installation manager is becoming increasingly important and complex. More important because the continuity of virtually all businesses is related to the proper functioning of the electrical installation, and more complex because the electrical installation and its connected components are becoming increasingly complex and sensitive. Add to this the severe shortage of well-trained technicians, the increase in the number and complexity of standards, the increase in sensitivity of equipment to insufficient voltage quality, and the quantitative growth of polluting equipment, the conclusion could be that the installation manager within companies is not to be envied.
- More control through monitoring
The importance of understanding plant energy flows is greater than ever. The energy transition demands the maximum from our power grids and in doing so, it is a "must" to ensure quality and supply reliability. The increasing demand for electrical energy puts a heavier load on electrical installations and risks of unplanned outages are increasing. Besides overloading, Power Quality also plays a crucial role in optimal plant operation and can even create more free space within the plant. More and better insight through monitoring offers the installation manager more grip on the installation, allowing him to timely anticipate possible risks. Insight into the load of the installation, as well as the status of the installation, helps you manage the installation optimally and keep your finger on the pulse.
- Reducing risk through simulation
Performing simulations has many advantages; it mitigates risks and problems, is cost-effective, and increases insights into the electrical installation. There are numerous simulation services that can support and relieve the plant manager. With the right knowledge, years of experience and professional tools, they not only ensure that existing risks and problems in an electrical installation are resolved, but HyTEPS can also predict potential future problems. However, simulation is also craftsmanship; if the wrong data goes in, the wrong data comes out.
- Sjef Cobben: During the seminar, Prof.dr.ir. J.F.G (Sjef) Cobben discusses the importance of controlling the process.
- Christan van Dorst: Christan is Manager of Technical Engineering at HyTEPS. The lecture will highlight in particular the specialized simulations and monitoring total package - or Total Power Insight & Improvement (TPI&I).
- Seymour Pijpers: Seymour is Sr. Technical Engineer at HyTEPS. HyTEPS' lectures will be delivered either by Christan or Seymour.