TWICE has launched a new initiative in hub Twinning on the TU/e Campus: BrainBloC. Via BrainBloC you have access to an accessible environment in which you get acquainted with new (general-purpose) data technologies (sensoring, blockchain, ai) and discover how and with which ones you want to go further. You first think about a good foundation ('data organizing' and what does 'rich data' mean). Then you work toward proper implementation. We focus on "thinking and doing differently," where data (technology) is the starting point for new business processes and organizational models.
Data technologies are of interest to everyone and anyone can get started with them!
With BrainBloC, we are creating an ecosystem focused on:
- Training a new generation of digital leaders (through an apprenticeship program for both students and employees)
- An external (SME) innovation department, where digitization issues can be worked out with a very low-threshold approach
- A home base for various companies/projects, for which one entire floor in Twinning on the TU/e Campus has been made available under very favorable conditions
- A data simulation lab, because data is an "abstract" concept and we want to take students/staff through what data technology is and how to put it to concrete use in practice
- And, we would like to become a formal Dutch Blockchain Coalition hub, as this will allow us to engage a broad network for innovative tasks.
The Digital Loop
More and more organizations are becoming data companies. Only, organizing data can be much more efficient. For example, we spend more than 35 percent of our time in the office unnecessarily. The "Digital Loop" (the trinity of IOT, Blockchain and AI) reduces digital and human waste. Within BrainBloC, Twice, together with the Weconomics Foundation, is organizing the (non-technical) apprenticeship program 'The Digital Running Band' with a strong focus on design and organizational development. This learning work program is suitable for individuals who want to learn more about deploying new data technologies in the digital transition of their own business. But also for students who want to graduate on this topic.
New generation of digital leaders
The apprenticeship program "The Digital Loop" aims to: form the next generation of digital leaders, designers and developers, by taking full advantage of the technological possibilities of blockchain, IOT and AI. Are you interested in contributing to this initiative, or establishing yourself here? Then get in touch, we'd love to help!
To The Digital Running Tape